Making Healthy Lifestyle Changes, Consider A New Routine

Sabrina Kensington

Best Health Choices Staff
Posted on January 2025, at 3:28

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Over the years, you’ve probably heard your fair share of wacky weight loss advice, whether it’s to drink celery juice every day or replace your meals with weight loss “cookies.” Often those tips are promoted by people without any health expertise, so if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

But just as there’s a ton of misguided weight loss advice out there to be avoided, there are also a lot of legitimate, research-backed, and expert-approved suggestions for people who are in the right mental health space and have weight loss as a personal goal.

There are also multiple studies suggesting having strong social support in your weight loss effort can help, whether that comes from family and friends, a coach, or even an app or online community.

Watch this video to learn about a new method that can help you with your health goals.

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